We have 3 x 4 inch lenticular stickers of Trump and Musk aliens. They have the same flip effect as the large signs in the video above. $2 each.

Please email jeff@badtastegoodcause.com with your address and how many you would like. You can also just click on this link to go to our contact page.

Please find @Jeffrey-Grubler on Venmo. The last four numbers for the phone number associated with that account is 5956.

The stickers are $2 each. If you could add on a little extra for postage, that would be greatly appreciated.

If you want to buy in bulk, like a 100 or more, let's talk, we will hook you up.

If you really want a couple of stickers, but are short on dough, let us know that in the email and we will send you them for free.

This street theater skit was inspired by John Carpenter's 1988 film They Live. 

The film depicts a great disparity in wealth between the rich and the rest of us. Sound familiar? Basically, a construction worker staying in a homeless encampment finds a pair of sunglasses that reveal that we are being subliminally manipulated by aliens who are colluding with the wealthy.  In the clip included in this link, an alien predicts that by the year 2025 that they and the "human power elite" will have dominion of America and the entire plant.